Full Name: Ronald W. Acord
Morrell Nursing Home
Start date: 2009-7-15
End Date 2009-9-29
Starting Position R.N. Supervisor
Starting Salary $25.50
Ending Salary $ 25.50
Address: 900N. Marquis Hwy
City: Hartsville
State: SC
Zip: 29550
Supervisor Name Kelly Pruitt
Supervisor Title: DON
Responsibilities R.N. Supervisor
* Employed By: Carolinas Hospital Systems
* Start Date: 2007-06-15
* End Date: 2009-02-23
* Starting Position: R.N.
* Ending Position: R.N.
* Starting Salary($): 23.50
* Ending Salary($): 24.80
* Address: Pamplico Highway
* City: Florence
* State: SC
* Country: USA
* Zip: 29501
* Supervisor Name: Chat Long
* Supervisor Title: ICU Supervisor
* Responsibilities/Accomplishments: ICU Nursing
* Employed By: Southern Care Hospice
* Start Date: 2005-06-15
* End Date: 2007-06-15
* Starting Position: Hospice R.N.
* Ending Position: Hospice R.N.
* Starting Salary($): 700.00 week
* Ending Salary($): 850.00 week
* Address: 217 Dozier Blvd
* City: Florence
* State: SC
* Country: USA
* Zip: 29501
* Supervisor Name: Charlene Woodham
* Supervisor Title: Manager
* Responsibilities/Accomplishments: Hospice Nursing
* Employed By: Medford Nursing Home
* Start Date: 2004-09-01
* End Date: 2007-07-01
* Starting Position: PRN R.N Supervisor
* Ending Position: P.R.N. R.N. Supervisor
* Starting Salary($): 25.00 hr
* Ending Salary($): 25.00 hr
* Address: Medford Drive
* City: Darlington
* State: SC
* Country: USA
* Supervisor Title: D.O.N.
* Responsibilities/Accomplishments: Supervising operations of nursing home
* Employed By: Carolinas Hospital System
* Start Date: 2000-09-01
* End Date: 2004-05-15
* Starting Position: L.P.N.-ICU
* Ending Position: R.N.-ICU
* Starting Salary($): 10.35 hr
* Ending Salary($): 18.50 hr.
* Address: Pamplico Hwy
* City: Florence
* State: SC
* Country: USA
* Zip: 2950...
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